Who We Are
Eduquest is based in Delhi. Presently working in North and North-West Delhi since more than 10 years. The Eduquest was formed with a mission to empower the lives of underprivileged people through Education and awareness. The main initiative of Eduquest is Health and Hygiene i.e. Prevention of diseases through Preventive and promotive health care. The other initiatives are Education, Women empowerment through vocational training and Environment. Since its establishment in 2001 has constantly been actively promoting health and education through awareness in the community Till March 2023 the Eduquest has attended approx. 9,00,000 beneficiaries for health, Education and women empowerment through vocational training.

Out of 9,00,000 Beneficiaries 8,00,000 beneficiaries have got benefitted for health through project health of Eduquest, Director Health Services Delhi Govt and Project Mobile Health Services at doorstep in partnership with Tata Power DDL since 8 years and continue. Eduquest is having six mobile dispensaries which are providing free health services in JJ Clusters, resettlement colonies and villages in Delhi. Every day approx. 900 patients attended at doorstep. The services provided are Free OPD, consultation, medicines and investigations, counseling, Awareness on Education, Social issues and Prevention of various diseases and Hygiene & Sanitation. Organizing health awareness camps on prevention of Non Communicable diseases with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer and Research hospital Delhi and investigations carried out in the camps are, Pap smear, ENT check-up, Total Health check-up, Blood sugar and Blood pressure check-up and counseling and free treatment if patient diagnosed with carcinoma. Health camps organized for Industrial workers and for Rural health. This is the way to take the good health care for the community through working on wellness, health promotion and diseases prevention.
Who We Are
The eduquest voluntarily worked with various societies in North and North-West areas of Delhi like Child Home Badli , SOS Village Bawana since 2002, various Charitable dispensaries run by Sanatam Dharam Mandirs and Gurudwaras, Organised Health camps and Awareness sessions on prevention of diseases , social issues, women empowerment and education. Successfully completed project -“Health promotion targeting lifestyle factors and danger signals for prevention & early detection of Cancer”. Supported by: Directorate of Health Service, Govt.of NCT of Delhi. The ongoing project is “ Mobile Health Dispensaries services in Jhuggi Jhopari/ Resettlement Colony under TPDDL area of operation” Since 2015 on regular basis
Impact created by the organization
- Two vocational centres one at vijay vihar phase-1 near sector-5 Rohini and another at Metro vihar phase-1 trained 55 women in cutting tailoring and beauty parlor and mehandi desiging and provided free tuition to approx 300 students.
- Eduquest run O P D diagnosed and provided treatment to the patients, organized awareness sessions on prevention of diseases, health camps worked for other NGOs like world vision, SOS Village Bawana, child home Badli and Plan India. Attended approximate 9,00000 participants attended till so far.
- The ongoing project-“ Mobile Health Dispensaries services in Jhuggi Jhopari/ Resettlement Colony under TPDDL area of operation” Since 2015 on regular basis, The project started with two mobile dispensaries in Feb 2015 and third mobile dispensary was added in November 2015. The 4th mobile van was added in January 2017 . 5th amaobile van added in July 2021The data till 31st March 2023 , more than 9,00,000 beneficiaries attended.
- 1200 people screened and awared for Cancer Awareness project supported by DHS Delhi Govt. organized 8 health camps and 8 Awareness sessions in various locations
- Total beneficiaries attended – 900000
- more than 6500 Awareness sessions organized at various locations , WLC,SHG, WLC program organized by SIG dept , samman program for senior citizens organised by TPDDL and for corporate. Total participant attended the sessions are 2,27,000.
- more than 6000 Awareness sessions organized at various vocational training centres run by TPDDL in j j clusters on prevention of diseases, educational, women empowerment, life skill education, Ethics, Positive attitude, menstrual hygiene and health check-up of trainee and students etc. Total participants attended session are approx 232000
- More than 300 Health camps organisd for industrial workers at different locations. Total 286000 participants attended the health camps.
- Health project: Prevention of Non- Communicable diseases with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer & Research Hospital Rohini Delhi.
- Geographical Reach (organization has ongoing program interventions) State Name of District Number of locations Delhi North and North-West Delhi 225 jj clusters, 12 resettlement colonies and Rural 100 villages approx.
- Attended Beneficiaries more than 198,000 in Covid-19 distributed Masks, food, oxygen concentrators, Telemedicine treatment and free distribution of medicines , Nutrient kits, Covid-kits for busting the immunity, Motivation for Vaccination, Arogya project for children & pregnant mothers at home, Sanitary napkin distribution etc